
Average score 530 Reviews
Clément Girardot noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent restaurant, Chinese cuisine that is very close to the real gastronomy of the bottom, fast service, I always come back with pleasure (Original) Excellent restaurant, cuisine chinoise qui se rapproche bcp de la vraie gastronomie de la bas, service rapide, je reviens toujours avec plaisir

10 months ago
corinne landmann noted on Google

(Translated by Google) They are not many in the room, but it runs! The dishes are excellent and plentiful, the lacquered pork was not greasy and the fried noodles perfect. We were 6, and everyone was delighted! (Original) Ils ne sont pas nombreux en salle, mais ça carbure ! Les plats sont excellents et copieux, le porc laqué n'était pas gras et les nouilles sautées parfaites. Nous étions 6,et tout le monde était ravi !

10 months ago
Kelly Feng noted on Google

Best frog legs we've ever had 😋

10 months ago
Salsadanse Samantha noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent cuisine, eggplant, spicy caramelized chicken and ravioli killer, we feel that the products are really fresh. discreet and careful service. Nice setting and digestive offered. We will be back, a very good address! THANKS (Original) Cuisine excellente, les aubergines, le poulet caramélisé épicé et les raviolis une tuerie, on sent que les produits sont vraiment frais. service discret et soigné. Joli cadre et digestif offert. Nous reviendrons, une très bonne adresse! Merci

11 months ago
Ana Ojeda noted on Google

11 months ago
Chafia Mekki noted on Google

11 months ago
Violeta C. noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The best Chinese restaurant I know! The dishes are tasty, the service is top notch and it's very clean. I recommend 100% besides I can't wait to go back 😊 (Original) Le meilleur restaurant chinois que je connaisse ! Les plats sont savoureux, le.service au top et c'est très propre. Je recommande à 100% d'ailleurs j'ai hâte d'y retourner 😊

11 months ago
Plesdin Fannie noted on Google

11 months ago
Manu noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Not bad. Very professional, friendly and fast service. Pretty cheap. Excellent spring rolls, a bit curious dish (the "curry" chicken has more of a Mexican taste?) (Original) Pas mal. Service très pro, sympa et rapide. Assez bon marché. Nems excellents, plat un peu curieux (le poulet au "curry" a plutôt un goût mexicain?)

11 months ago
Ana Laura Barria noted on Google

The food was amazing!! Definitely coming back!! And the people working there are so nice and cute !

11 months ago

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75010 Paris, France

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